Property Values

The studies essentially used John L. Crompton’s research on the Proximate Principle. The calculation involves estimating the market value of homes within 500 feet of a park and then using a very conservative multiplier to estimate the incremental value attributable to park proximity. The local tax rate was applied to the market value to estimate the incremental tax benefit as well.


Anderson, Soren T. and West, Sarah E. 2006. “Open space, residential property values, and spatial context.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 36: 773–789. Web.

Crompton, John L. 2005. The Impact of Parks on Property Values: Empirical Evidence from the Past Two Decades in the United States. Leisure Management 10, 203-218

Harnick,Peter, and Ben Welle. 2009. Measuring the Economic Value of a City ParkSystem. The Trust for Public Land. 2020. Improving Impact Fees in California: Rethinking the Nexus Study Requirement. Terner Center for Housing Innovation.

Liu, Sezhu, and Diane Hite. 2013. AgEcon Search Measuring the Effect of Green Space on Property Value: An Application of the Hedonic Spatial Quantile Regression. Southern Agricultural Economic Association.

Nicholls, Sarah. 2005. “The Impact of Greenways on Property Values: Evidence from Austin, Texas.” Journal of Leisure Research 37.3: 321-341. Web.

Nicholls, Sarah, and John L. Crompton. 2005. “The Impact of Greenways on Property Values: Evidence from Austin, Texas.” Journal of Leisure Research 37(3): 321–41.

Emergency Disaster Response

Wildfires are a natural part of many ecosystems and cause severe air pollution, loss of human life and damage/destruction to the built and natural environment. When fires burn more frequently and consume large areas, the plants that re-colonize burned areas may be less efficient at carbon uptake due to the years to return to maturity. The impact of loss of tree canopy, due to fire tree mortality, or another type of disaster, is significant and multifaceted, affecting climate, biodiversity, soil, water, and human health. Trees play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and storing it in their leaves, branches, and trunks. The loss of tree canopy can lead to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels, which contributes to global warming and climate change.


Barker, Jason S., Andrew N. Gray, and Jeremy S. Fried. 2022. “The Effects of Crown Scorch on Post-Fire Delayed Mortality Are Modified by Drought Exposure in California (USA).” Fire 5(1): 21.

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. 2023. “California Forest Improvement | CAL FIRE.”

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. 2019. “2019 Fire Season Outlook | Welcome to CAL FIRE.”

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. 2018. “Wildfires and Climate Change.” Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.

Fargione, Joseph E. et al. 2018. “Natural Climate Solutions for the United States.” Science Advances 4(11): eaat1869.

Fellows, Aaron W., and Michael L. Goulden. 2012. “Rapid Vegetation Redistribution in Southern California during the Early 2000s Drought.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117(G3): n/a-n/a.

Reed, Charlotte C., Sharon M. Hood, Daniel R. Cluck, and Sheri L. Smith. 2023. “Fuels Change Quickly after California Drought and Bark Beetle Outbreaks with Implications for Potential Fire Behavior and Emissions.” Fire Ecology 19(1).

Solomon, Mackenzie . 2019. Why NOAA? Why CSD? The Impact of Wildfires on Climate and Air Quality Mo1va1on: The “New Normal” for Wildfires.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Publication Search.” US Forest Service Research and Development.

Xie, Yuanyu et al. 2022. “Tripling of Western US Particulate Pollution from Wildfires in a Warming Climate.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(14).

Environmental Impact

Parks have been proven to positively impact the environment and reduce the cost of environmental impacts for communities related to storm water management, pollution mitigation, energy consumption, and other issues. The calculator strives to utilize currently published data to quantify the positive environmental impacts in terms of the appropriate unit measurement (I.e. Gallons of storm water mitigated) and the monetary value of these impacts. The two calculations consider the impacts in terms of number of trees as well as the number of acres of parkland.

Trees & Environmental Areas

Bowler, Diana E., Lisette Buyung-Ali, Teri M. Knight, and Andrew S. Pullin. 2010.  “Urban Greening to Cool Towns and Cities: A Systematic Review of the Empirical  Evidence.” Landscape and Urban Planning 97(3): 147–55.

Fellows, Aaron W., and Goulden, Michael. 2012. “Rapid Vegetation Redistribution in  Southern California during the Early 2000s Drought.” Journal of Geophysical  Research: Biogeosciences 117(G3): n/a-n/a.

Fargione, Joseph E. et al. 2018. “Natural Climate Solutions for the United States.”  Science Advances 4(11):  eaat1869.

McPherson, E. G., Simpson, J. R., Peper, P. J., Maco, S. E., Xiao, Q., & Storer, A. J.  (2005). Municipal forest benefits and costs in five US cities. Journal of Forestry,  103(8), 411–416.

Pimentel, David et al. 1997. “Economic and Environmental Benefits of Biodiversity.”  BioScience 47(11): 747–57.

Ray, C. Claiborne. 2012. “Tree Power.” The New York Times. dioxide-does-our-forest-absorb.html#:~:text=A. “Report – Overview – Recreational  Trails–Environment–FHWA.”2021. verview/report/2021/#benefits.

Salm, J. A., Papineau, Marija, Bočkarjova, W. J., Botzen, W., and Runhaar, H. 2023.  “Citizens’ Preferences and Valuation of Urban Nature: Insights from Two Choice  Experiments.” Ecological Economics 208(169):  107797. (April  20, 2023).

STRATUM US Climate Zones Map. Climate-Zones-Source-US-Forest-Service-US-Forest-Service-nd_fig1_265609301

Taye, Fitalew Agimass, et al. 2021. “The Economic Values of Global Forest  Ecosystem Services: A Meta-Analysis.” Ecological Economics  189(C). ( April 20, 2023). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2015. “Greenhouse Gas  Emissions .” U.S. Environmental Protection  Agency.

Greenhouse Gases and Emissions

Gitarskiy, M.L. 2019. “The Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National  Greenhouse Gas Inventories.” Fundamental and Applied Climatology 2: 5–13.  Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emission and Sinks: 1990-2019. 2019. U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency 04/documents/us-ghg-inventory-2021-main-text.pdf.

Othus-Gault, Shannon . 2021. “Measuring Carbon Sequestration.” National Earth  Science Teachers Association VVVXII(1): 33–36. “Parks Recreation |  ResilientCA.” recreation/?types=11&q=&statewide=on#explore-resources (April 24, 2023).

———. 2019. “Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator .” US  EPA.

US EPA,OAR,OAP,CPPD. 2018. “Heat Islands | US EPA.” US  EPA. “Winrock International – FLR Carbon  Storage Calculator.”


Water Conservation

Chau, Haan-Fawn. 2009. Green Infrastructure for Los Angeles: Addressing Urban  Runoff and Water Suppy Through Low Imact Development. City of Los Angeles, CA.

Davis, AP, Shokouhian M, Sharma H, and Minami C. 2001. Laboratory study of  biological retention for urban stormwater management. Water Environ Res 73: 5– 14.  “California Code of Regulations.” California Energy Commission.  2023. “Cal-Adapt.”, Rails-to-Trails.  “Active Transportation for America.” Rails-to-Trails  Conservancy. america/ (April 24, 2023).

Golden, J., Sajedi, P., & Wong, K. (2017). Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of green  infrastructure for stormwater management. University of California Cooperative  Extension. Retrieved from


Ecosystem Value

FEMA Ecosystem Service Value Updates.  2022. value-updates_2022.pdf.

Bowler, Diana E., Lisette Buyung-Ali, Teri M. Knight, and Andrew S. Pullin. 2010.  “Urban Greening to Cool Towns and Cities: A Systematic Review of the Empirical  Evidence.” Landscape and Urban Planning 97(3): 147–55.

Tourism Impact


Crompton, John. 2005. “How Cities Use Parks to Promote Tourism.” American Planning Association.

Dogan Gursoy, Robin Nunkoo, and Medet Yolal. 2020. Festival and Event Tourism Impacts. Routledge.
Sports Marketing Analysis & Strategic Recommendations. 2017.

Stoll, Jennifer, and Tammy Koerte. 2023. “The Strong Performance of the Sports Tourism Sector and Rising Resident Sentiment of Sport.” Sports ETA.

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The Outdoor Recreation Economy. 2017. Boulder, CO: Outdoor IndustryAssociation.

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Zhou, Ran,and Kyriaki Kaplanidou. 2018. “Building Social Capital from Sport EventParticipation: An Exploration of the Social Impacts of Participatory Sport Events onthe Community.” Sport Management Review 21(5): 491–503.

Public Safety

After-school care and park planning can have a significant impact on reducing crime in a community by providing positive activities and safe spaces for children and teenagers. After-school care programs can provide structured activities for children and teenagers during the hours when they are most likely to be unsupervised. Without positive activities to occupy their time, young people may be more likely to engage in risky behavior and get involved in criminal activities. Parks and other green spaces can serve as important community gathering places and provide opportunities for physical activity and socialization. Well-designed parks with good lighting and other safety features can also deter criminal activity.
Parks and green spaces can also help to reduce stress and promote mental health, which can have a positive impact on overall community well-being and reduce the likelihood of crime.


Abu-Lughod,R.A. Planning for Crime Reduction: Analysis of Social, Economic, and PhysicalVariables on United States Cities. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Texas atArlington, Arlington, TX, USA, 2006

Armitage, R. (2014). Crime prevention through environmental design. InBruinsma, G., Weisburd, D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminology and criminaljustice (pp. 720–731). New York: Springer.

Bogar, Sandra, and Kirsten M. Beyer. 2015. “Green Space, Violence, and Crime.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 17(2): 160–71.

Branas,C.C.; Kondo, M.C.; Murphy, S.M.; South, E.C.; Polsky, D.; MacDonald, J.M. UrbanBlight Remediation as a Cost-Beneficial Solution to Firearm Violence. Am. J. Public Health 2016, 106, 2158–2164

Branas CC, South E, Kondo MC, Hohl BC, Bourgois P, Wiebe DJ, MacDonald JM. Citywide cluster randomized trial to restore blighted vacant land and its effects on violence, crime, and fear. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Mar 20;115(12):2946-2951. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1718503115. Epub 2018 Feb 26. PMID: 29483246; PMCID: PMC5866574.

Garvin, Eugenia C, Carolyn C Cannuscio, and Charles C Branas. 2012. “Greening Vacant Lots to Reduce Violent Crime: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” Injury Prevention 19(3): 198–203.

Hedayati Marzbali, Massoomeh, Aldrin Abdullah, Nordin Abd. Razak, and Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki. 2012. “Validating Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Construct through Checklist Using Structural Equation Modelling.” International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 40(2): 82–99.

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Jennings, Viniece, April Baptiste, Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, and Renée Skeete. 2017. “Urban Green Space and the Pursuit of Health Equity in Parts of the United States.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(11): 1432.
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Shepley, Mardelle et al. 2019. “The Impact of Green Space on Violent Crime in Urban Environments: An Evidence Synthesis.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(24): 5119.