Redwood City, CA

California Park & Recreation Society


Welcome to the
Parks Impact Calculator

California Park & Recreation Society


Welcome to the
Parks Impact Calculator

Redwood City, CA

Redwood City, CA

About the Tool
Behind the Project

By partnering with Sports Facilities Companies on statewide economic Parks Impact Calculator, CPRS can now provide member agencies with a platform for educating and influencing internal and external audiences about the economic impact and value of parks.

The Value of Reports
And Why It Matters

Quantifying the value of a park or park system is crucial for effectively communicating the benefits of these spaces and programs. Parks and recreation agencies can define quantitative metrics through data collection and analysis, complemented by the qualitative benefits of park systems and programs.
Quantitative metrics include factors such as the number of visitors, programs, and facilities, as well as revenue and expenditures. Qualitative benefits encompass perceived improvements in mental and physical health, quality of life, and environmental conditions.

Check Out a Sample Report